Does lack of sleep stunt growth?

Posted on April 3, 2020 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

Does lack of sleep stunt growth?

Not being able to sleep for a few nights will not have any impact on the height of a person. However, if you are unable to sleep properly for several days, it can lead to stunted growth. When we sleep, plasma growth hormones, which has an impact on the height of a person, is released by the body. If a person suffers from insomnia or if they get little sleep, the generation of hormones is suppressed.

Lack of sleep will not only lead to stunted growth, but also has several other side effects. Some of the other side effects of insomnia or sleep deprivation include:

  • Can cause accidents
  • Affects the cognitive process
  • Can lead to serious health problems like heart problems, blood pressure, and diabetes
  • Affects sex drive
  • Leads to depression
  • It becomes difficult to remember things if you don’t sleep properly
  • Ages your skin faster
  • Leads to weight gain
  • Can increase the risk of death




Does lack of sleep stunt growth?

Posted on April 3, 2020 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

Foods that Cause Cold Sores

Even though there are several food products that help in reducing cold like cloves and ginger, there are certain items that can trigger the attack of cold sores. These items usually contain amino acid which is known to cause cold sores. Here are some of the items that can trigger cold sores:

Acidic Foods

These foods could cause tissue damage which can hasten cold sore outbreak in people. Certain foods like lemon, pineapple, grapefruit, pomegranate and cranberries are highly acidic and can cause cold sore outbreak. Apart from these highly acidic fruits some medium acidic fruits like plums, berries, pears, cherries and berries can also cause cold sores.

If you are one of these who suffer from cold sores because of acidic fruits, it is best that you avoid fruits juices, puree and preserves as their concentration level is high. Even though vegetables are not known to cause tissue damage, some canned versions of vegetables like tomato can trigger cold sore because acids are added to these vegetables to increase their shelf life. You must also avoid eating pickles and foods that contain salad dressing as they contain vinegar which is known to contain acids.

Nuts and Seeds

Some seeds and nuts contain amino acid called arginine which is known to promote the growth of herpes simplex virus. A study conducted Craig S. Miller to find out the affect of amino acid on humans confirmed that arginine intake causes cold sores in people.

However, not all nuts and seeds are known to trigger cold sores. Certain nuts like Macadamia nuts that contain high levels of arginine can cause cold while pistachio nuts that have very low levels of arginine can cause cold sores. Some nuts and seeds that contain medium levels of arginine include pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds. If you plan to avoid seeds and nuts, you must also avoid foods like tahini and pesto that contain these nuts. However, oil that is extracted from these nuts and seeds can be safely taken as they don’t contain any seeds and nuts.

Hot Foods

If you eat food and beverages that is hot, it can burn some delicate tissues in your mouth which can cause cold sores. Hot beverages cause the maximum damage as they are known to cause severe damage to mouth tissues. Therefore it is important that you assess the temperature of the food before you eat it. If the food or beverage is excessively hot, allow it to cool before you consume it.

If you are interested in helping others prevent and treat issues such as cold sores, consider a health care management degree online and get started today.

Foods that Cause Cold Sores

Posted on April 3, 2020 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

Can electronic cigarette help you deal with your addiction

Can electronic cigarette help you deal with your addiction?


April 13, 2011


Most people who smoke are addicted to nicotine which is a substance that is found in tobacco leaves. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance which is one of the main reasons why people are unable to give up smoking. Nicotine has several harmful effects on the body and even one drop of pure nicotine can kill a person. When you smoke a cigarette, your body gets about 1-2 milligrams of nicotine. People who smoke half pack of cigarette a day are usually considered to be addicted to nicotine.

When you start smoking, your craving for nicotine increases to minimize the impact of withdrawals. Most people don’t realize that when they smoke every day, they start suffering from withdrawals which forces them to keep going back for more. However, when they quit smoking their body must get used to not having the addictive nicotine. This process is not easy as it takes time to get through this addiction.

If you have decided to get rid of your addiction, it is one of the best decisions of your life. However, this decision is not easy to implement as people who quit smoking have to deal with problems like lack of concentration, irritation and physical sickness. There are several products available in the market that can help you reduce your nicotine cravings. Some people who prescription drugs while other use electronic cigarette or nicotine gum to deal with this problem.

Today, many people are using electronic cigarette to deal with nicotine addiction because of the publicity it is receiving in magazines, newspapers and TV. People are buying electronic cigarette because it can help them deal with urge of smoking without having to inhale the harmful chemicals found in cigarette. Most electronic cigarette contains nicotine that is craved by people who are addicted nicotine but does not contain carcinogens that is found in normal cigarette. Another benefit of using electronic cigarette is that it does not harm the people around you.

Many people that I spoke to were happy that they have switched to electronic cigarettes. They felt that having electronic cigarettes has helped them reduce they addiction and also reduced the health risk of people around them. However, switching completely to electronic cigarettes is not easy as it will take time to drop the habit completely.

Category: Addiction

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Can electronic cigarette help you deal with your addiction

Posted on July 31, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

April 2011

Archive for April, 2011

Can electronic cigarette help you deal with your addiction?


April 13, 2011


Most people who smoke are addicted to nicotine which is a substance that is found in tobacco leaves. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance which is one of the main reasons why people are unable to give up smoking. Nicotine has several harmful effects on the body and even one drop of pure nicotine can kill a person. When you smoke a cigarette, your body gets about 1-2 milligrams of nicotine. People who smoke half pack of cigarette a day are usually considered to be addicted to nicotine.

When you start smoking, your craving for nicotine increases to minimize the impact of withdrawals. Most people don’t realize that when they smoke every day, they start suffering from withdrawals which forces them to keep going back for more. However, when they quit smoking their body must get used to not having the addictive nicotine. This process is not easy as it takes time to get through this addiction.

If you have decided to get rid of your addiction, it is one of the best decisions of your life. However, this decision is not easy to implement as people who quit smoking have to deal with problems like lack of concentration, irritation and physical sickness. There are several products available in the market that can help you reduce your nicotine cravings. Some people who prescription drugs while other use electronic cigarette or nicotine gum to deal with this problem.

Today, many people are using electronic cigarette to deal with nicotine addiction because of the publicity it is receiving in magazines, newspapers and TV. People are buying electronic cigarette because it can help them deal with urge of smoking without having to inhale the harmful chemicals found in cigarette. Most electronic cigarette contains nicotine that is craved by people who are addicted nicotine but does not contain carcinogens that is found in normal cigarette. Another benefit of using electronic cigarette is that it does not harm the people around you.

Many people that I spoke to were happy that they have switched to electronic cigarettes. They felt that having electronic cigarettes has helped them reduce they addiction and also reduced the health risk of people around them. However, switching completely to electronic cigarettes is not easy as it will take time to drop the habit completely.

April 2011

Posted on July 31, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

July 2011

Archive for July, 2011

New Study to Help People Who Need Kidney Transplant


July 28, 2011


There are many kidney transplant patients in America who are unable to get a transplant because of HLA sensitization. People who suffer from this problem are unable to get a kidney transplant because a previous blood transfusion, pregnancy or transplant has primed their immune system to reject a transplant.

However, a recent development at the Johns Hopkins University can change the fortunes of people who are HLA sensitized. Researchers at the University have figured out a pay to erase the bodies memory of previous transplant or transfusion which will pave the way for successful kidney transplant.

The treatment uses plasmapheresis to remove harmful antibodies from the body. The number of treatments required will vary depending on the harmful antibodies present in the body. After each treatment the patient is given an intravenous infusion of immune globulin that replaces the harmful antibodies present in the body. It also helps in preventing the antibodies from returning and fights infections.

The result of the study were released in New England Journal of Medicine, Hopkins team found that plasmapheresis treatment worked on 211 of 215 patients that were treated from February 1998 until December 2009. Out of 211 patients that benefited from this treatment, 81 percent of the patients were alive after 8 years.

The process of desensitization comes with its own set of minor problems. Some people who went through this treatment complained of problems like headache, rashes, nausea, itching and shortness of breath. A few patients also complained of serious side-effects like allergic reaction to the treatment that led to dangerous swelling.

However, the researchers of the study have emphasized that benefits of the treatment outweighed the risk associated with the treatment. If people adopted this treatment, they will have to spend less time on dialysis and get kidney transplant sooner.

Studies prove antibiotics are effective in treating urinary tract infection


July 26, 2011


People who take cranberry capsule to deal with their urinary tract infection can look at antibiotics to deal with the problem. According to a report in Reuters, a recent study conducted in Netherlands has proved that antibiotics are better than cranberry capsules if you want to prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infection.

Most people believe that cranberry capsules are best for treating Urinary Tract Infection but intensive studies have shown that mixed results on the effectiveness of these capsules.

The study in Netherland was conducted on 221 premenopausal women who had suffered at least 3 urinary tract infections in the past year. The study was led by Dr. Marielle Beerepoot of Amsterdam’s Academic Medical. To study the effects of cranberry and antibiotics, women were asked to take cranberry capsules and antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole every day.

It was found that women who took antibiotics had fewer urinary tract infections when compared to women who took cranberry capsules. In some cases, women who took antibiotics had 50 percent less urinary tract infection than the group that took cranberry capsules. However, women who took antibiotics also built resistance to the antibiotic which means that their body will not respond to the drug if it was needed for some other infection.

According to experts, many people still prefer taking cranberry capsules over antibiotics even if they known that it is not as effective as antibiotics. This is because it is natural and has fewer side effects when compared to antibiotics.

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July 2011

Posted on July 31, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

August 2011

Archive for August, 2011

British Scientist working on new Sunscreen Pills


August 31, 2011


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Scientists in Britain are working on a new sunscreen pill that will protect the people skin and eyes of people for weeks. These scientists are using the same chemicals and technique that is used by coral to protect itself from the harmful ultraviolet rays. If the pills are successfully launched, it will make sunglasses and sunscreen cream unnecessary.

Researchers at King’s College in London have collaborated with US and Australian scientist and have made a breakthrough after studying how the coral from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia uses its own algae to protect itself from harmful UV rays.  The alga produces a compound that is transported to the coral which modifies the compound which benefits both the algae and the coral.

Researchers are of the view that this compound not only protects the corals but also the animals that feed on the coral. The fishes that feed on the coral are also protected from UV rays because the compound is passed to them.

However, these pills are only in the preliminary stages of development and it may be more than five years before the pills are available in the stores. Also, these pills will only be available if they are prescribed by the doctor. These will not be sold as Over-The Counter (OTC) pills as overdose of these pills can cause vitamin D deficiency.

Chocolates in Moderate amounts is Good for Heart


August 30, 2011


There is good news for people who love eating chocolates. In a recent study that was published in British Medical Journal and presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s conference, it was stated that regular consumption of chocolates can reduce the risk of developing heart problems.

The study was conducted at University of Cambridge by Oscar Franco and his colleagues who put to test the studies that were previously conducted to find out the connection between heart disease and chocolate. They tested the results of previous studies and reviewed the data they had to check the reliability of claims made by researchers. According to Oscar Franco the test made on previous studies established the link between chocolates and heart disease.

The researchers tested the results of 7 studies that involved about 114,000 participants. When they pooled the results of the study they found that people who ate chocolates had a 37 percent less risk of developing heart disease when compared to people who did not eat chocolates. Researchers also found that people who ate chocolates had 29 percent less risk suffering from stroke than people who ate fewer chocolates. However, researchers found no connection between heart failure and chocolate intake. The study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge did not differentiate between sweeter products like cookies and snack bar and dark chocolates.

Oscar Franco further added that this study should not be used as an excuse by people who increase their intake of chocolates. He said that most chocolates that are available in the market have high fat and sugar content which can lead to weigh gain. Increase in weight of people can put strain on heart and increase the risk of other health problems. Franco added that eating chocolate in moderate amounts can reduce the risk of heart problems without increasing your weight.

One of the main reasons why chocolates are considered good for heart is because it contains antioxidants and polyphenols that improve the production nitric oxide in the body.

August 2011

Posted on July 31, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

Having pet can help you stay fit

Having pet can help you stay fit


September 29, 2011


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If you are looking at ways of staying fit, then your pet can help you lose weight. This fact may surprise you but they are true. Experts are of the view that when you have a pet at home you have a more active lifestyle. For instance, when you take your pet out for a walk, you walk faster which helps you stay fit.

According to Sandra McCune, the author of the “Health Benefits of Dog Walking for People and Pet” said that she was fascinated how dogs can motivate people. Sandra further added that people who are dog walkers usually fulfill their daily exercise requirement even if they don’t do any other major exercise. Dogs are usually responsible for 67 percent walks that their owners take in a week.

About 25 percent of people who have pets at home visit the park at least once a weak. Most pet owners make it a point to take their pet or a walk even when it is raining or when it is extremely hot. When you have a pet at home, you are forced to take your pet for a walk even if weather is not appropriate for a walk. In a recent poll it was found that more than 44 percent of pet owners who were more than 65 years old exercise because of their pet.

Another benefit of taking your pet for a walk is that you improve your bonding with the pet. Bonding with your pet will not only improve your relation with your pet but will also improve your relationship with other people.

Health experts are of the view that exercising with your pet can help in improving your enthusiasm and energy. Therefore it is important that you take your pet out for a walk even if you are late from office or if the weather is not appropriate for a walk.

Category: Health News

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Having pet can help you stay fit

Posted on July 31, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

How Probiotics can protect you from antibiotics

How Probiotics can protect you from antibiotics


November 30, 2011


Most people must have heard about the term “antibiotics” but very few people have heard about Probiotics. When you go to your doctor, they prescribe an antibiotic because you cannot wait for a few days to get well.  You are in a hurry to go back to work and most doctors oblige to your request prescribe antibiotics to cure your illness quickly.

Before you take these antibiotics, it is important that you understand the gastrointestinal tract system of the body. The tract has 400 different species of organisms and bacteria that live in harmony with man and other species. These species are known to produce nutrients and vitamins that are required for the normal functioning of the body. There are many helpful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that help in metabolizing the digestive system and protect the body from harmful bacteria.

When you take antibiotics that they start killing the bacteria and organisms in the body without differentiating between the good and the bad microorganisms. When they kill the microorganisms the primary infection is removed but the good bacteria in the gut also get destroyed. People who take antibiotics for prolonged usually complain of problems like nutrition and vitamin deficiency.

When patients take antibiotics, it is important that they also take Probiotics that help in reducing the side-effects of antibiotics. In fact, most doctors are of the view that taking Probiotics must be made compulsory for people who take antibiotics.  When you take Probiotics, it can help in reducing the chances of antibiotic induced bacteria. Probiotics helps in improving the good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and helps in maintaining the body balance. They also act as immune modulators and help in providing the right tools for vaccination in people who are susceptible to health problems.

Therefore it is important that you request your doctor to prescribe Probiotics along with antibiotics. Also, you can also them some natural antibiotics that you can take to prevent frequent health problems.

Category: Health Problems, Health Tips

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How Probiotics can protect you from antibiotics

Posted on July 31, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

December 2011

Archive for December, 2011

Does an egg a day increase the risk of coronary heart disease?


December 20, 2011

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There are many people who avoid eating eggs because they believe that eating eggs can increase the risk of heart disease. A recent study done by Harvard researchers have proved that having an egg a day does not affect your heart.

For their study, the researchers studied the impact of eggs the health of about 115,000 men and women. At the end of the research, the researchers concluded that eating an egg a day does not increase the cholesterol levels. Also, researchers did not find any short-term or long-term risk of coronary heart disease in people who ate one egg every day.

The participants of the study included about 790,000 nurses that were aged 34 to 59 and whose medical history was followed for 14 years. The study also included about 36,000 males that included pharmacist, dental assistants and other healthcare professionals.

One of the main causes for problems in the heart is high cholesterol levels in people. The cholesterol increases the fatty deposits in the body that blocks the arteries which can lead to stroke and other heart diseases. To reduce the risk of heart problems, people should not consume more than 300 mgs of cholesterol in a day. Since one large egg has about 213 milligrams of cholesterol, most nutritionists are of the view that people should not have more than 1 or 2 eggs a week. However, researchers at Harvard noted that egg contained several nutrients that helped in reducing the negative effects of cholesterol. Some of the nutrients that an egg contains include amino acids, unsaturated fats and vitamins. Researchers further added that good cholesterol that is present in eggs helps in preventing the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries. Eating egg also helps in reducing the harmful effects of carbohydrate-rich foods that increase the blood sugar levels.

Dealing with side effects of protein shake


December 16, 2011


If you are planning to use protein shake to build your muscle mass, it is important that you consider several factors. It is a good idea to read customer reviews before you start using a product. Reading the reviews will give you determine the benefits and the possible side-effects of the product. Also, since the affect of the of protein shake may vary depending on the person using it, reading the reviews may help you understand the affect of these shakes on your body.

Before you start using protein shakes, you must to your research to find out the side-effects of these shares. You must find out what the shakes are designed to do and how you can benefit from them. Some protein shakes are designed for professional sportsperson and bodybuilders and must be taken only after consulting a fitness expert.

Most people who want to build their muscle mass take whey protein powder become it is tasty and provides high quality protein required by the body. However, you can’t just buy any whey protein powder because there are several products available in the market and choosing the right product for your body is not easy. Make sure you check the ingredients used by the manufacturer to make the product and also check the directions of use. It is in your interest to compare a few products before you decide on the product you want to use. It is also important that you follow the recommendations given by the manufacturer when using the product.

At times, using the wrong protein power or increasing the usage of the power can cause problems like ketosis, osteoporosis, kidney stone and dehydration. When protein powder is taken in excess, it puts too much pressure on the kidney. The kidney is unable to digest the excessive protein levels in the body which may make your blood acidic. The bones start releasing calcium to reduce the affect of acidic blood. When bones release excess calcium, it can damage the bone which can result in osteoporosis. Also, excessive release of calcium by the bones can lead to stone in the kidney.

Ketosis is another side-effect of drinking protein shake. Ketosis can put strain on the kidney which can damage the kidney. Ketosis is a condition when the body starts burning the fat in the body as the body does not have any supply of carbohydrates. This not only increases the pressure on the kidney but also causes dehydration.

To reduce the side-effect of protein shake, you must drink the shake after a good workout. Most people face problems after drinking protein shake if they drink the shake every few hours and eat food that is rich in proteins. Also, make sure you drink a lot of water after you have your protein shake. This will reduce the risk of dehydration and also reduce the risk of dehydration.

Protein shakes can be great for your body if you take them in moderate amounts. However, some people start replacing their natural food with protein shakes which can cause serious health problems. Taking large quantities of protein shake in one sitting can put pressure on your kidney and cause other health problems.

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December 2011

Posted on July 31, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

December 2011

Archive for December, 2011

Understanding the Pros and Cons of Lemonade Diet


December 31, 2011


Even though Lemonade Diet has been around for several years, the diet has become extremely popular after Beyonce announced that she lost about 20 pounds after switching to Lemonade Diet.

This diet was developed by Stanley Burroughs for people who were looking for a good fasting and detoxification program. The main intention of this diet plan was to help people get rid of toxins and wastes that are accumulated in their body due to improper diet and lack of exercise. However, many people are switching to this diet plan to lose weight. One of the main reasons why people are switching to this diet plan is because many people believe that it will help them lose weight, look younger and cleanse their body of toxins and waste.

If you are switching to this plan, you must be aware of the side-effects of this diet plan. This requires people to take lemon juice concoction for about 15 days, which means that your body will not get the required proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Also, during this diet program, you can experience problems like constipation, dizziness, headaches and fatigue. Therefore, it is important that you opt for Lemonade Diet only after consulting your doctor.

So what are the foods you should and should not eat when you opt for this diet plan? You cannot eat any solid food or supplements when you opt for this diet plan. All you have is Master Cleanse elixir that will cleanse your body of toxins and keep you hydrated. You can have 6 or more servings of lemonade drink. If you are bored of drinking lemonade, you can opt for salt water flush which is a mixture of salt and water in the morning and herbal tea at night.

After following this diet for about 14 days, dieters must slowly start eating solid food. Some of the items they can eat after completing the diet plan include fruits, vegetables and soups. People who opt for Lemonade Diet experience rapid weight loss because this diet creates calorie deficit in their body. However, many health experts are of the view that people who opt for Lemonade Diet are more likely to lose muscle and body weight and not fat. Also, experts have pointed out that liver already helps in detoxifying the body and there is no medical evidence the switching to this diet plan can help you discard toxins that are not discarded in bodily waste.

How to become slim without dieting


December 23, 2011


You must have wondered why some people in your office or school remain thin even though they don’t diet. These people eat normal food but make a few simple changes in their diet to lose weight. In this article, we have tried to identify a few simple steps that you can take to reduce weight.

You can lose weight by cutting down on your food portions. Most health experts are of the view that cutting down on food portion by about 20 percent can help in bringing down weight even if you make no changes in your diet. The food portions served at home and office is usually more than what your body needs. You can reduce the food portions you take at home by getting a few small plates and bowls.

If you go to a restaurant or a party where you can eat unlimited food, you will be tempted to eat more food. Therefore, it is important that you avoid high calorie counters when you visit these places. You must also drink a lot of water before you start eating your food at a restaurant or party as it will reduce your appetite.

If your kid loves drinking juices and coals, it is important that you find the calorie content in these drinks. Kids who are addicted to high calorie drinks gain weight easily. Therefore, it is important that parents look for low-fat alternatives like lime water, natural fruit juices and low-fat milk that they can give their kids.

A simple trick that is used by people to lose weight is to put down their fork after each bite. This will help in slowing down the rate at which you eat your food and reduce your weight.

In many cultures and religions, fasting is considered to be an auspicious activity. Fasting is also good for the body as it helps in detoxifying the body and help people lose weight fast. However, before you start fasting, it is best that you visit your doctor and find out the moderate fasting level of your body.

Most people eat food until they feel full. Health experts are of the view that you must accept the feeling of not being full always. They you reduce your diet by about 20 percent and learn to be comfortable with this feeling.

Make sure you have your breakfast every day as it will help in cutting down on your calorie intake. Most people who skip their breakfast end-up eating more food throughout the day. Recent studies have also shown that people who eat breakfast have lower BMI when compared to people who skip their breakfast. Some of the items that you must include in your breakfast are cereal flakes, low-fat dairy and whole grain cereals.

Avoid eating when sitting in front of your TV or computer as you are likely to eat more food than you should. Make your computer and TV area a “No Food Zone” and try eating food with in a common eating place.

Follow these simple tips and we are sure that you will reduce your weight without making major changes in your diet.

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