Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
If you are suffering from irritation and swelling in prostate gland for a prolonged duration, you could be suffering from chronic bacterial prostatitis. Some of the common causes of chronic infection in the prostate gland include urinary tract infection, acute prostatitis, epididymitis and urethritis. This risk of chorionic infection in prostate glands increases for people who are over 30 years of age and practice anal sex without using condoms. Also, injury to the perineum and excessive intake of alcohol can also increase the risk of chronic bacterial prostatitis.
Even though the symptoms of chronic bacterial prostatitis are similar to acute prostatitis, the effect of this problem is not severe. The symptoms of the problem are gradual and some patients may experience no symptoms or mild symptoms between episodes.
Some of the symptoms of chronic bacterial prostatitis include fever, blood in urine, frequent urination, delay in urination, frequent urination and excessive pain or burning sensation when urinating. Some subtle symptoms of the problem include pain in the lower back region, pin in bowel movement, testicular pain and pain when ejaculating.
Some of the treatments that are suggested for chronic bacterial prostatitis include lifestyle changes, medication and surgery.
Your doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics like ciprofloxacin and Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole to treat the problem. You may have to take these medications for at least 6 weeks to reduce the infection in the prostate glands. A few other antibiotics that your physician could suggest include Teracycline, Carbenicillin, Teracycline or Erythromycin.
At times, the antibiotics that you take may not be able to enter the prostate glands. This may increase the duration of the infection and prolong the treatment. If the infection in the prostate glands is not cleaned completely, the symptoms of the problem may return once you stop the treatment. Also, small stones that form in the prostate glands due to infection may make it difficult to clear the infection.
If medication does not help, surgery may be recommended by your physician to clear the infection. However, young men should avoid this surgery as it could lead to impotency, sterility and incontinence.
At times, a few changes in the lifestyle can help in reducing the symptoms of the problem. It is in your interest to urinate completely and frequently to reduce the symptom of urgent urination. Also, avoid eating substances that irritate the prostate glands like citrus juices, alcohol and beverages.
Complication due to chronic bacterial prostatitis
A possible complication due to chronic bacterial prostatitis is that your prostate gland may become very large which may prevent or slow down the urine flow. This may cause the urine to enter the kidney which can cause long-term damage to the kidney.
Category: Health Problems