British Scientist working on new Sunscreen Pills

Posted on July 26, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

British Scientist working on new Sunscreen Pills

British Scientist working on new Sunscreen Pills


August 31, 2011


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Scientists in Britain are working on a new sunscreen pill that will protect the people skin and eyes of people for weeks. These scientists are using the same chemicals and technique that is used by coral to protect itself from the harmful ultraviolet rays. If the pills are successfully launched, it will make sunglasses and sunscreen cream unnecessary.

Researchers at King’s College in London have collaborated with US and Australian scientist and have made a breakthrough after studying how the coral from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia uses its own algae to protect itself from harmful UV rays.  The alga produces a compound that is transported to the coral which modifies the compound which benefits both the algae and the coral.

Researchers are of the view that this compound not only protects the corals but also the animals that feed on the coral. The fishes that feed on the coral are also protected from UV rays because the compound is passed to them.

However, these pills are only in the preliminary stages of development and it may be more than five years before the pills are available in the stores. Also, these pills will only be available if they are prescribed by the doctor. These will not be sold as Over-The Counter (OTC) pills as overdose of these pills can cause vitamin D deficiency.

Category: Health News, Sunburns

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