Difference between torn shoulder and frozen shoulder
Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is a condition that causes immense pain in the shoulder. About 5 percent of the world population suffers from the problem. Frozen shoulder is more common in women and it can cause severe stiffness and pain. The problem becomes more acute in people who suffer from diabetes. There is no specific reason for the onset of this problem but if the problem is rectified it never returns. Frozen shoulder usually affects people who are between 40 and 70 years old. The symptoms of the problem can last for about 30 months but in some cases it can take about 40 months for the symptoms to subside.
The lax capsular sack of people suffer from Frozen Shoulder Syndrome becomes sticky which can cause adhesions. The stickiness in the shoulder can cause inflammation which usually starts in the area behind the tendons of the biceps. At times, if the problem is not treated in time, it can spread to other shoulder because the muscles and ligaments of shoulders are interconnected.
Stiffness due to frozen shoulder is cause by the reaction of your body to inflammation in the shoulders. The body reacts to inflammation by switching off the muscles of the shoulders in a co-ordinated sequence. In a few weeks, it becomes difficult to move the arm and you may not be able to move the arm by more than 40°. Also, the rotator cuff muscles start losing their strength and become stiff and immobile.
Torn Ligaments in Shoulder
Since the shoulder joint is unstable and shallow it is unable to hold the bones of the shoulder in place which can cause strain when pressure is exerted on them. Your shoulder joint has a cartilage called labrum which forms a cup that helps in moving the arm bone. The labrum surrounds the shoulder socket making the socket deeper which helps in providing stability to the arm bone. Torn ligaments in the shoulder mean that your labrum has been damaged.
From the explanation it is clear that ligament tear in the shoulders and frozen shoulders are two different problems that can a person. Even though both labrum tear and frozen shoulder can restrict arm movement, both have different symptoms and require different treatment.
Category: Health Problems, Muscle Pain