Health and Personal Development

Posted on July 23, 2019 Posted by Rhonda Obrien

Health and Personal Development

Health and Personal Development


October 28, 2012


Today, most hypnotherapists have clients who are looking for three things:

  1. They want to change their feelings, behavior and thoughts so they can lead a healthier life. They also want to exercise and lost weight and many people also want to quit smoking.
  2. They want to overcome emotional issues like anxiety, phobias, depression and stress.
  3. They want to deal with physical issues like pain, skin problem and irritable bowel syndrome.

All these people have one thing in common – they want to Improve their Life. What they are actually looking for is personal development. People want to make these changes because they want to gain confidence and control over their life. They want to change their personality by not only getting rid of their addiction and bad habits but by also getting rid of their negative mindset. Overcoming the negative traits makes people stronger and they can deal with scary things without any problem. Also, overcoming these traits helps you in overcoming several stress-related diseases and also helps you in dealing with diseases that get worse due to stress. When we overcome stress, we are able to reconnect our mind and body and stop concentrating on issues that affect our health. This rejuvenates our mind and power starts flowing in our brain once again.

Medicines cure disease not the problem

Before you visit any hypnotherapist it is important at that you visit a doctor as they prescribe medicines that will cure the disease. However, these medicines treat human body as a bio-system and not a person who could suffer from other physical and mental problems. Even though these medicines give rapid results, they have several side effects and increase your reliance on doctors and pharmaceutical companies.

Also, if you want to deal with a problem in your life, your personal participation is important. For example, if you take pills it will treat the disease but it may not cure the problem unless you make positive changes in your life. If you have diabetes, you must do regular exercise and make changes in your diet. Taking pills will only help you control the problem. It will not eradicate the problem.

Most people consider health to be a personal development issue because they can maintain their health only if they make positive changes in their life. Once they take the desired action, their inner strength improves and they have better control of life.

Category: Health News, Health Tips

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