Dealing with virginal discharge and bleeding after childbirth
After childbirth, the very sight of the baby makes you forget the problems that you have to go through. However, there are some problems that women have to deal with after childbirth. Most women feel pain in the uterus and the vagina. Apart from pain in the vagina and uterus, you must also be prepared a bleeding and discharge from the vagina.
Lochia is the medical term used for virginal discharge and bleeding that occurs after childbirth. Lochia usually contains mucus, blood and tissue from the placentra.
The virginal discharge and bleeding after childbirth can be divided into three stages. The first stage is called the Lochia Rubra which can last up to five days after childbirth. A major portion of Lochia Rubra contains blood cells and therefore it is red in color.
The second stage of virginal discharge and bleeding is called Lochia Sersoa and it is usually brownish or pinkish. It can last up to 10 days after childbirth and may contain both blood and tissues.
The third stage is called Lochia Alba and it can last for about 2 months after childbirth. The color of this discharge is usually white and contains tissues and mucus.
It is worth nothing even though the color and the contents of Lochia may be different in each stage; the odor of the discharge is usually the same. Women who experience abnormal odor or unusually high blood flow during the first 6 weeks, you must contact their physician immediately.
During the first six weeks after childbirth, it is best that you avoid using tampons as it cause infection in the uterus. To contain the bleeding, you must use heavy-duty pads that can soak the blood and the discharge instantly. Also, make sure you change the pads as often as possible as it will reduce the risk of overflow and infection.
Category: Health Problems, Pregnancy